The scenery in “Once Upon a Time in the Galaxy” is set in a faraway planet known as Coruscant. The planet is home to Jedi Master Yoda and his Padawan…
- Kid Story
Integrity in the Galaxy: A Bedtime Story featuring Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker.
by Steel PencilThe scenery in this story is set in a vast and endless universe, where planets are filled with different creatures, challenges, and obstacles. The planet that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke…
The scenery in this story is set in a galaxy far away, with breathtaking views of stars twinkling in the distance and galaxies passing by at lightning speed. The Jedi…
- Kid Story
Gratitude for the Force: How Star Wars Characters Teach Us to Appreciate the Power of Thankfulness
by Steel PencilIn a beautiful starry night sky, the characters from Star Wars, including Rey, Luke, Yoda, and Chewbacca, gathered to contemplate the beauty of the Force. As they shared their thoughts…
- Kid Story
Generosity at Its Finest: A Star Wars Bedtime Story Starring the Jedi and Their Acts of Kindness
by Steel PencilThe scene is set in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, a beautiful and elegant location filled with vibrant gardens and majestic buildings. The characters are the Jedi, known throughout the…
“Remember the bond that brought us together and let it guide us through this next challenge. Together, we can overcome anything the galaxy throws at us.” **Scenery and Characters:** In…
- Kid Story
Fairness Prevails: Lessons from Star Wars Characters About Equality and Justice
by Steel PencilReflect on a time when you witnessed or experienced injustice. How did it make you feel and what steps did you take to address the situation? Once upon a galaxy…
- Kid Story
Empathy Lessons from Yoda: Understanding the Power of Compassion in Star Wars.
by Steel PencilOnce upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, Yoda sensed a disturbance in the Force. He knew what needed to be done, and so he gathered a group…
- Kid Story
Decision-Making with Yoda: How to Master the Art of Making Wise Choices like a Jedi Master
by Steel PencilOnce upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, on the planet of Coruscant, a group of young padawans gathered around Yoda, the wise and legendary Jedi Master. The…
- Kid Story
Curiosity Leads Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano on a Mystical Adventure in the Heart of Coruscant
by Steel PencilOnce upon a time in the heart of Coruscant, Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano was struggling to sleep. As she lay in her bed, she couldn’t shake her insatiable curiosity about…