The Start of My Weight Loss Journey – Why I Decided to Take Control

There comes a time when you have to face reality, and for me, that moment hit hard this year. Two years ago, I was at a comfortable 73 kg. I could easily fit into M-size clothes, and life felt good. But somewhere along the way, things started to shift. Slowly but surely, my weight began to creep up. I didn’t think much of it at first, but soon enough, those M-size clothes no longer fit. I found myself reaching for X or even XL sizes, and that’s when it became real.

I wasn’t ready to step on the scale and see the numbers rise, so I avoided it. But the signs were there: the tighter clothes, the slower movements, the lack of energy. I tried to ignore it, but I knew something had to change.

Tech Life and Facing Health Concerns

Like many in the tech business world, I spend most of my day in front of a computer. Whether I’m in California or Thailand, my routine revolves around screens, meetings, and sitting for hours. And, of course, as someone who loves Thai food, it was hard to resist the delicious meals I’d enjoy in Thailand and even here in California—though the opportunities are fewer, I still indulge. But with this lifestyle came some unwanted guests—office syndrome crept in, along with more serious health concerns.

As the years passed, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes began to approach, slowly but surely. It’s still mild, nothing at a severe level yet, but I can feel the changes happening step by step. It’s easy to imagine what could happen if these conditions progressed further. That realization shook me—if I didn’t take control, the mild symptoms would soon be anything but mild.

The energy I used to have started to fade too. I felt less confident, especially when it came to socializing. Sure, I could still go out and interact, but there was a shift. I wasn’t as happy or comfortable in those moments as I used to be. I knew deep down that something had to change—not just for the way I looked, but for how I felt about myself.

52 and Ready for Change

At 52 years old, I wasn’t ready to let it all slide. I couldn’t keep going down this path. That’s when I started digging into the research. I explored different ways to get my health back on track, and the more I read about intermittent fasting and the keto diet, the more I realized this was the strategy I needed. It made sense, and I was ready to commit to it.

So, on September 5, 2024, I finally stepped on the scale. I was over 81 kg—a far cry from the 73 kg I once was. But instead of feeling discouraged, I felt motivated. My goal was clear: 65 kg by Christmas. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I was ready to take that challenge head-on.

Looking Ahead

This journey is just beginning, and I’m already feeling hopeful. With a solid plan in place, I’m excited to see where this takes me. The next article will dive into the first week of this journey, where I’ll share my progress, struggles, and wins along the way. It’s time to take control and get back to feeling like myself again.

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